Articles on 21th December, 1998.

Today's Articles: 33.

Articles' Numbers: (19981221_01-33)

Article 1:

肥魚又有好野益大家 之 NWFB 4001

FatfishZ (fatfishz@netvigator.com) from hhttnt02018.netvigator.com at Sun Dec 20 21:42, 1998 said:

First of all, I'd like to congratulate all Tsim Sha Tsui and Jordan residents

that NWFB finally provides A/C service on 914!!

However, this only happens on some departures on Sun and P.H.

So what about weekdays?

Don't worry, FatfishZ Artshop (TM) decided to provide you A/C service on 914

everyday but on the web only. The bus used is:-

Ford R1011 with Jit Luen Body, parallelogram windows

福特R1011 配 捷聯車身, 平衡四邊形車窗

Fleet number: 4001

Reg. number: JA 100

But just one problem, will you dare to take it??!! Hahaha!

不過你敢唔敢坐就係另一回事! 哈哈哈!

Merry Christmas!


Article 1: (Request 1)

背景好似係北碼喎?莫非做緊新巴流動服務中心? :P


Article 1: (Request 2)

After what I observed today, I'm glad NWFB is providing

A/C service on 914. (be that Trident or LA type, I don't care!)

despite the fact through cable news TV traffic report I saw

a MetroBus type running to WHC on Hong Kong side.

Actually, I was planning to put this as route suggestion, though

I don't know if it fits at all.

I'd suggest since 914 is losing money heavily and NWFB doesn't

want to provide A/C service except Sundays and Public Holidays,

914 would become a Sunday and Public Holiday service like 309

with full A/C!

This way NWFB won't suffer as much, and I'd be happy to have

A/C service on Sunday and PH, as there is no 917!

Of course, I'm not that selfish to the point to ignore the

interest of some of our boardmates who depend on HOTDOG 914

service to work. Hence there would be 914P with full hotdog

service on weekday mornings and evenings to compensate!

Of course I'll take it! Even though it's super high floor,

and it looks quite 'JA' as the license prefix suggests, I'm

quite used to it because some of my neighbourhood

franchised routes (with some of the most expensive fares)

provide such service as well.

Actually, this idea is quite good since 914 doesn't have that

many passengers. And hotdog bus fans can open all the windows

they want for fresh air!

In my opinion, (and perhaps some non-bus fan passengers as

well) A/C is the thing that matters. Bus company can run

a bunch of 12m hotdog buses on tunnel routes which draw no

popularity at all. So even an A/C bus like this may draw more

passengers than current hotdog ones.

To everyone on this board as well, even hotdog bus fans!

100/911R/M1 Wong

Article 2:

Re: 新巴青衣線一問?

Joe~305 (dartchm@netvigator.com) from hhtam041116.netvigator.com at Sun Dec 20 22:05, 1998 said:

> Ambrose (ambrosey@netvigator.com) said:

> 請問板友新巴有沒有提供青衣線服務?



> Ambrose



Article 2: (Request 1)

948 新九聯營

Article 2: (Request 2)

> Ambrose (ambrosey@netvigator.com) said:

> 那就奇怪﹗昨天早上大約十二時坐E三十二

> 經過青衣巴士站, 一新巴吉車行經這地方

> 并且向九記青衣廠斜路進發,那新巴在做什

> 麼﹖吞Pok? 試線?...


天后開12:30pm, 12:50pm


Article 2: (Request 3)

> Sunba (akyl@rubens.its.unimelb.edu.au) said:


> 是否971試線?

> 我都係估o下...^_^

> Sunba


Article 2: (Request 4)

I have heard that this route is a suggestion by the Southern

District Board. Has Transport Department approved to opened

the route?

Article 3:


anthony lam (lsf@hknet.com) from bbig002090.netvigator.com at Sun Dec 20 22:03, 1998 said:

> Guy (guyleung@hkg.com) said:

> 據某位62X車長說,62X於12月28日全日行走

傳左好耐, 當62X轉全日後, 61X會改為龍門居做總站,


另, 61X傳聞會於1月轉3部冷馬, 即8冷8熱.

Article 3: (Request 1)

> 電腦王子 (shwong@chevalier.net) said:


> 有冇攪錯!屯中的是窮鬼,龍門居的是有錢人,九記全為有錢人!本人全力反對!







Jan Chan

Article 3: (Request 2)

> anthony lam (lsf@hknet.com) said:


> 傳左好耐, 當62X轉全日後, 61X會改為龍門居做總站,

> 你地知唔知會唔會發生???


> 另, 61X傳聞會於1月轉3部冷馬, 即8冷8熱.

又去龍門居, 無位喎(早上同259E一定爭位, 再加962+962P)


Article 3: (Request 3)



Article 3: (Request 4)

> DL (ss78k@netteens.net) said:



> 由同日起,49P/49X不入青衣站


Article 4:

Re: 60X的長牛

Gary Tang (purity2@hkstar.com) from olkc5180.netvigator.com at Sun Dec 20 20:43, 1998 said:

> 古競豪 (fatku@school.net.hk) said:

> 請問當年行走60X的長牛的車牌,編號是什麼?隸屬哪一間廠?



Article 4: (Request 1)

> Raymond (a1212122@netvigator.com) said:


> 甚麼係長牛?有冇相可以睇呀?唔該

0甘都唔知?長牛係丹拿E型,即Daimler E,一九六九年投入服務,一九九一年全部退役.

Article 4: (Request 2)

> Raymond (a1212122@netvigator.com) said:

> 一九九一年全部退役.


> 有幾長?以前多數行邊D線?

10.4米長,退役前行過11D, 11K等路線0既半駕駛艙巴士(車頭凹入去果種).

Article 4: (Request 3)

> AR7599 (conanckw@hkstar.com) said:


> 在我印象中,應該60x沒有用過長牛做掛牌,因

> 為60x是在荃灣高速公路通車之後才開的線,初期

> 好像是以勝利2型掛牌.有錯請諒


> AR7599也是牛,不過是短牛







Article 5:

Re: 【徵求】十二米冷龍設計圖+43S, 33B, 33C問題

walter (walterch@school.net.hk) from hkusud.hku.hk at Mon Dec 21 01:21, 1998 said:

> Chicken (h9719507@hkusua.hku.hk) said:

> 請問有沒有人可提供九巴十二米冷氣巨龍的設計圖(底盤+車身)? 如

> 有的話, 請電郵予我, 謝謝!!

> 另想問一些問題:

> 1. 請問當年來往青衣市及荃灣碼頭的43S會於那些日子行走? 我見幾

> 年的地圖都有記載, 但卻無從得知其詳情.

> 2. 當年33B,33C在葵興,葵芳的總站在那裏?

> Thanx a lot.

Only got the plan of super 奧粘

Article 5: (Request 1)

照殺! 謝!

Article 5: (Request 2)

> 另想問一些問題:

> 2. 當年33B,33C在葵興,葵芳的總站在那裏?





Article 5: (Request 3)

> 輝仔 (c5124176@comp.polyu.edu.hk) said:


> 如有俾多張我, 謝!

如有俾多張我, 謝!

Article 6:


豐巴 (simong@netvigator.com) from olkc5a146.netvigator.com at Sun Dec 20 21:28, 1998 said:







Article 6: (Request 1)

> VA36 (kchojbl@school.net.hk) said:


由於晨早 84M 多人搭, 早上七點至九點半左右是泊在以下位置.

>     __________________________

>    /8P ________84M早_____ \

>    /83 ____________82,84,84M \

>   /   ˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍ82  \

>   /    ˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍ788  \

>  /             780  8\

> _/    ____________________    \__________


> -----------------------------------------------------

> -----------------------------------------------------

>     _______________________   ________

>    /              /

>    /106 ________________    / 

>   / 606 ________________    /

> ___/ 8X ________________   /

>                /

> _85_______118________________/



> A12唔係泊小西灣,係泊柴灣東,即常安街,不過經小西灣。

哈! 不過 A12 連入小西灣總站站位都無, 一係行去富景,

一係行到富欣對面, 都係0岩囉, 小總邊有咁多位.

搭單問埋有無板友記得小西灣在 8,80,85,606,780 時代是怎樣泊?

自 89 年曾經有好幾年無入小西灣的智叔


Article 6: (Request 2)

> Jubilant (edshum@hkstar.com) said:



> (馬路)780 80 606 84 8 (行人路), 85在8P位


(馬路)80 780 606 84/84M 8(行人路),85/83在8P位


(馬路)空坑 空坑 8泊車 8泊車 8泊車及上車坑(行人路)

Article 6: (Request 3)

> 豐巴 (simong@netvigator.com) said:

> 本人都有成年未去過小西灣了,本人想問現時

> 小西灣的路線坑位分佈是怎樣的?

> A12又泊在那個坑呢?




> 第一年在board渡過聖誕的

> 豐巴




Article 7:


GRASSHOPPER (pollymfy@netvigator.com) from imsp037.netvigator.com at Sun Dec 20 22:16, 1998 said:


1) 第幾架九記AV開始用D10A ENGINE呀??????

2) VOLVO的輔助轉向轉的角度好似大過LEYLAND喎, 係咪呀??????

3) NEOPLAN CENTROLINER後輪係輔助轉向, 咁係咪擺尾的情況大左呀?????

4) 有人話巨龍冇輔助轉向, 個中軸的車輪轉彎時摩擦好大,會好快玩完,

佢每邊係單輪, 即衰兩個輪, 但TRIDENT中軸加埋有四個輪, 又冇

輔助轉向, 咁咪四個輪咪好容易玩完, 係咪呀???????

Article 7: (Request 1)

> AV102 GL3694 (agnescsf@asiaonline.net) said:


> 應該係由 AV353-AV531, HN 同 HP車牌0既AV 開始.

> 但HN 車牌既AV, 當中可能有些還是用 VolvoTD102 果隻引擎.


> 用D10A 引擎0既 AV 既引擎蓋散熱口係唔同以前果隻.

> 即係同VA51-VA64 果隻散熱口一樣.





Article 7: (Request 2)

Except CTB 876 ? 有錯請指正.

Article 7: (Request 3)

From AV232 Volvo D10A(245bhp)

Article 8:

{徵求}影巴士正地方,謝謝 !!

黑仔Joe~305 (dartchm@netvigator.com) from hhtam041116.netvigator.com at Sun Dec 20 21:51, 1998 said:



多謝萬分 !! Thank You Very Much !!

& 聖誕快樂(堤早祝賀^_^)



Article 8: (Request 1)

>Hung Hom Tunnel

Any guestions email(borisyan@hk.super.net) to me!!

Article 8: (Request 2)

> FatfishZ (fatfishz@netvigator.com) said:


> Try these:


> North Point Ferry Pier,

> Moreton Terrace,

> Wong Chuk Hang,

> Ocean Park,

> Wah Fu North,

> Mei Fu.


Article 8: (Request 3)

Try photo in 舂坎角

Article 9:

Re: 亞比安一問!

ANDY C.K.NG (ckng@ee.cuhk.edu.hk) from saturn.csc.cuhk.edu.hk at Sun Dec 20 22:30, 1998 said:

> Ambrose (ambrosey@netvigator.com) said:

> 記得多年前看報紙報導九巴送了一亞比安

> 給香港歷史博物館,今天專程到香港歷史博

> 物新館但是什麼也沒有!為什麼舊館和新館

> 也找不到亞比安,那博物館將亞比安怎樣處理?


> Ambrose






Article 9: (Request 1)

> Ambrose (ambrosey@netvigator.com) said:

> 這樣香港博物館為何不公開展覽?

> 今天行完香港歷史博物新館實在一

> 肚火,新不如舊!香港歷史博物新館

> 實現應該叫歷史展覽場(很多地方不

> 開放給公眾)!結果跑了去坐A21加A12

> 回家!


> Ambrose






Article 10:

Re: 徵求--U廠鴨照片

S3M94 (matt4127@netteens.net) from at Mon Dec 21 10:26, 1998 said:

> 古競豪 (fatku@school.net.hk) said:

> 如題,最好有埋U廠廠徽!




Article 10: (Request 1)

> 古競豪 (fatku@school.net.hk) said:


> 可否SEND比我?


Article 11:

Re: 咦~班銀CX呢?

CMB DA82 (da82@netvigator.com) from ntproxy2.polyu.edu.hk at Mon Dec 21 02:26, 1998 said:

> 前中巴8號線太守VA51 (parnell@cyberec.com) said:

> 我呢幾日經過北角消防署同埋港運城,唔見了班CX行不特止,仲連站牌都失蹤

> 埋添!唔同中巴已經決定銳意加入東沖至機場的穿梭路線兢爭行列??





Article 11: (Request 1)

> 前中巴8號線太守VA51 (parnell@cyberec.com) said:


> 我周二傍晚已經見唔到站牌喇~周六一點直情一架銀CX都唔見.




Article 12:

Re: 39M終極cut 車!

Bunnie (96008318@plink.cityu.edu.hk) from proxy4.cityu.edu.hk at Mon Dec 21 12:16, 1998 said:

> S3M94 (matt4127@netteens.net) said:

> 前一星期A31網主話我聽話佢等39M等左差不多20分鐘,我唔係好信,因為39M一

> 向密車.

What time did he wait?

> 直到前日,我親自在荃灣地鐵搭39M上荃威,一去到就見S3M186,條龍好長,排隊

> 上車,等左一陣便開車,我在地鐵站望落巴士站時是冇車的,落到去先至見架186.

> 開車後沿途望過去對面線都冇39M,開車時我亦冇望後面有冇車到,不過應該冇勒.

> 直到上左荃景圍,才見到對面有39M,之後部車上到荃威,一架車都冇呀.

> 當日39M用車所見:S3M31,S3M186


> 以前荃威起碼會停1至2架39M,而家只有1架,開左之後就冇,仲有,依家在荃景圍往

> 荃威方向等車,先有39A埋站,再有39M.即係39A班次密過39M.

yes, i have seen that during last month (about 11:00 am)

> 以前39M起碼有5至6架車,照咁睇依家可能得番兩架,或者3架,掛牌車走左又冇車替,

> 至少CUT3部車,服務真係日差.

Since 16 July 1998, KMB adjusted the freq to 7-15 mins.

also, cut a schedule bus (S3M29).

Now, only have four sehedule buses

(S3M31, S3M37, S3M43 & S3M186)

> 以上講的事是非繁忙時間發生,掛牌車S3M37,S3M43會在非繁忙時間失蹤,而S3M29又去

> 掛41A.S3M29走左之後好似冇車替.

yes, refer to above.


> 以上純屬個人遭遇和意見,歡迎討論.

I also encounted the above event.

100% agree with you.

Very disappointed with KMB service.

Article 12: (Request 1)

尋日既情況好似冇咁差, 下午四點左右, 小弟等39A, 首先見到

39M 既 S3M43開走, S3M43走左之後, 好快就見到 S3M31上荃威, 跟

住再黎多架39M 既S3M 先至見到一架39A.


HB 916

Article 13:


藍田站長 (jackie01@hknet.com) from hhtam015224.netvigator.com at Mon Dec 21 00:47, 1998 said:






Article 13: (Request 1)

> 風間火月 (hsbt@netvigator.com) said:

> 上左有一段時間,同場重有SF31都有上,不過就全紫色的。^_^


> 炎之熱血漢-----修羅‧風間火月

Any boardmate can kindly post a photo?

Article 14:

新巴聖誕老人 & 消息一則

3AV74 (lhk1478@netvigator.com) from hhtun005046.netvigator.com at Mon Dec 21 00:07, 1998 said:

請問 '聖誕報佳音,新巴新車已超過160架' 可在哪個巴士站影到?


另外, 271線由21/12開始,一連四日安排車長操金躉,相信271有金



Article 14: (Request 1)

LF111 0既車身有


Article 14: (Request 2)

I can only find this on the bus (LV) (Banner).

Article 15:

Re: 九巴車廠大槍戰? :P

417 (96006257@plink.cityu.edu.hk) from imscache01a.netvigator.com at Mon Dec 21 00:32, 1998 said:

> Mike NG(CMB-LF126) (ngmike@hkstar.com) said:

> 唔係, 不過以上場面的確出現o係阿周電視亂講台o岩o岩播完o既

> 陳年電影異膽熊唇o既大結局裡面. K廠牛牛AD7308(攪住油塘(高超道)牌)

> 擔大旗, 俾徐少強ja住o係廠內片車兼駁火, 仲有大量BL、S3BL、3N、S3N

> 同埋一部仲係上住彩帶原色o既ME做佈景o添.

請問 Mike NG 兄係邊個廠?

病o左o既 417

Article 15: (Request 1)


Article 16:

Re: Stagecoach VS 英國第一

Bory23 (borisyan@hk.super.net) from usr2-27.hk.super.net at Sun Dec 20 23:27, 1998 said:

> Tao (lai1207@vol.net) said:

> 請問各位, 邊個知呢兩間公司資料, 經營狀況, 及營運覆蓋?


> 另外, 想問冷氣巴座椅是用什麼料做?

If you want this information, photo you can email to me


Article 16: (Request 1)

There is a web site for Stagecoach UK: http://www,stagecoachholdings.com

Article 17:


GABRIEL (johnnywc@netteens.net) from imsp039.netvigator.com at Mon Dec 21 11:51, 1998 said:

就來踏入2000年, 不知各大巴士公司在二十一世紀會買入甚麼車呢?

TRIDENT在九十年代尾威盡全香港, 相信這個勢會持續多二三年,

但是香港道路愈來愈窄, 我認為車廠們應潛心研究十米低地台巴士,

其次, 在載客量方面, 我認為車上應該設立多些企位, right>?

Article 17: (Request 1)

相信唔止兩三年, 五六年都有可能. 你睇奧黏同龍由82年到而家咪仲


其實Trident係有10.6米版 (係咪仲有10.3米版添呢?), 但到今日為止仲


D人搭巴士無非都想坐一陣, 整多D企位咪同地龍冇分別?!


James Kwok, 新巴1016

Article 18:

Re: 新巴服務超絕大進步之8號.....

Louis (louis@hkabc.net) from tzeloi.com.hk at Mon Dec 21 14:10, 1998 said:

> Raymond (a1212122@netvigator.com) said:

> 琴晚凌晨0:00望落柴灣道,十五分鐘內見到五架躉行8號,

> 三架亞記躉同兩架都普躉,今日可能仲會有,新巴服務

> 真係超絕大進步^_^

昨日係星期日, 再加上夜晚好多收工車會行8號...



Article 19:

3AD & AV 幾問

3AD & AV (94903735@alumni.cityu.edu.hk) from proxy3.cityu.edu.hk at Mon Dec 21 02:01, 1998 said:


1)3AD 係咪真係改得勁o左?究竟係馬力定扭力勁o左?有幾勁?

2)有邊D 3AD 改o左?

3)VOLVO TD-102KF 同 D10A o既 馬力及扭力分別係幾多呢?

Thank you very much!

Article 19: (Request 1)

> 3)VOLVO TD-102KF 同 D10A o既 馬力及扭力分別係幾多呢?




Article 20:

Re: 一個誤導的分段收費 ?

DA54 (da54@netteens.net) from at Mon Dec 21 04:17, 1998 said:

> VA-61 松隆子 (kyy690@netvigator.com) said:

> 我昨日在西灣河街市等rt.14的時候,有架1088行rt.2A的新巴到站,

> 有幾個上耀東的客上車,但大多數人都唔知rt.2A有筲箕灣道→耀東

> 的分段,所以好多人問car佬收幾錢,有D人就唔問照入$3.70.

> 我諗rt.2A過往好少冷馬行,連car佬都唔知有分段,希望以後唔會有

> 咁事發生喇.......!


> 打算打電話去新巴投訴的

> VA-61 松隆子

But on the last Sunday (8 days ago), I found that there's a reminder

about the sectional fare posted in the 耀東站長室.

Article 21:

Re: 世界輪流轉 (蛇果日報報導)

William (London) (wongpl@aston.ac.uk) from bh-cw32-226.pool.dircon.co.uk at Mon Dec 21 02:55, 1998 said:

> 羊羊, 671 (yeung671@ctimail.com) said:

> 有聞城巴集團主席徐展堂集團旗艦新中港集團的財政陷入困境, 事關

> 上週五東亞銀行入稟法院申請將新中港清盤, 如果徐展堂 ( 新中港

> 債務擔保人 ) 未能還清債務, 便需出售資產套現 ( 其實由十一月起

> 已經開始被多名債主入稟追債, 而徐展堂亦放售了部分北海和城巴的

> 股權 ). 據蛇果日報報導, 多間中外財團曾洽購城巴控制權, 至上星

> 期四, 英國捷達巴士 ( Stagecoach ) 證實獲得獨家洽購城巴的特

> 權, 可以每股不低於兩蚊的作價買入以助徐展堂渡過難關 ( 他本人

> 可從中套現四億 )......


> 回想當年捷達巴士撤出香港, 城巴買下捷達留下來的六部雙層巴士

> ( 505-510 ), 而家捷達極有可能回歸操縱城巴, 真係世界輪流轉~


> 呢排攪聖誕 Ball 忙到死的

> 羊羊, 671

In order to prevent British company invade out public transport industry in HK, I suggest KMB or other powerful transport firms should consider takeover National Express Group UK as refudge!

Article 22:


Louis (louis@hkabc.net) from tzeloi.com.hk at Mon Dec 21 14:18, 1998 said:

今日食飯時見到有架2號亞記Trident(HY1012)擺左街, 橫掂得閒, 所


原來架車只係對中門閂唔到! 兩個車房搞極都閂唔到. 事件就令到有

架35A飛站, 成班呀婆要走來走去.

其實我覺得Trident的所謂安全裝置好多餘, 完全加重車長負擔及運作

效率! 好似上面的情況咁, 架巴士只係中門閂唔到, 大可以落客後番

車廠慢慢玩, 咁就唔洗阻住邊街啦!


Article 22: (Request 1)

This had happened before in Sydney, which a Scania 14.5 metre couldn't start again

because the driver couldn't close his doors...

By the way, the Australian device is a bit different, you don't have to stop before you

open the door, but when you open the door, the bus brakes automatically, which is just

about the same thing...

SuperBus Australia

Article 23:

Volvo B6BLE

SuperBuzz Brisbane (dccheng@acs.itd.uts.edu.au) from proxy1.logicworld.com.au at Mon Dec 21 14:17, 1998 said:

Yes, new Volvo B6BLE, which I understands it is a refined version

of the B6LE....more information in the Volvo website as usual.

There is already one in build in some unidentified bodybuilder(s)

in Australia.

SuperBus Australia

Article 24:

Austral Pacific Group Geebung, Qld

SuperBuzz Brisbane (dccheng@acs.itd.uts.edu.au) from proxy1.logicworld.com.au at Mon Dec 21 12:46, 1998 said:

So what's in there???

APG is now in receivership. It owed its creditors some 60 million,

and quite funny in fact, APG's parent company, Clifford, also

claims to be a creditor...oh well, it's all too hard to understand for me...

In the Brisbane factory, there are various Brisbane Transport

Volvo B10L/APG Orana in various process, some ready to hit

the road, some have the body frame up, some in paint and

some still in chassis form.

Other than that, there was a lone Dennis Dart SLF Hybrid bus

with the Orana body, which I understand is the first Dennis

to carry an APG body, and also the last...

APG collapsed in late November and the entire workforce is

now unemployed...:(

APG WAS the largest bus builder in Australia, which combines

several bus builders that were

Austral Denning


Motorcoach Australia


TransPacific bus dealership(which holds Csepel and Renault Australia)

Saydair seats

APG also exports buses and coaches to China and Malaysia.

Brisbane Transport is in fact keeping three chassises in their

Light Street Depot and apparently they are NOT going to be bodied

by APG, some other firm will take it...However, they went to any

other operator and they were all full of orders....some won't have

any space until July 99...

Volvo Australia is rumouring to buy APG Tamworth just to finish the

Sydney Buses order of 125 buses (which about half were delivered).

Some reports Sydney Buses has got some buses in build at Volgren...

Anyway, this APG collapse is all too much for Australia...alas

SuperBus Australia

Article 25:

silver livery

Adolf Marcos (98101270j@polyu.edu.hk) from hkpu15.polyu.edu.hk at Mon Dec 21 09:57, 1998 said:

hello everybody,

anyone can tell me why CMB have their livery change on some of the VA's and all CX??

someone say that she wants to keep those silvery buses after the handover?!

is that true???

thank you very much!!!!!

Wish you all broadmates a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!

Article 26:

ZF2HP45 2 speed or Renk 873A 3 speed??

SuperBuzz Brisbane (dccheng@acs.itd.uts.edu.au) from proxy1.logicworld.com.au at Mon Dec 21 08:47, 1998 said:

By visiting Brisbane, I find the Brisbane City Council (BCC)

MAN SL200/Denning (828 - 918), which has a Renk 873A 3 speed

automatic (don't argue with me, I have the spec sheet), sounds

just like the Melbourne MAN SL200 cousins which have ZF2HP45

2 speed.

Both of them souds just the same, but I suppose you would call

the first stage of the Renk as the 'first gear' while the one

of the ZF as the 'torque converter'.

I just wonder how do you tell whether it's a ZF or Renk....

Or is there a possibility that the Melbourne ones are Renk

gearboxes as well??? (Since they sound the same)...

SuperBus Australia

Article 27:


電腦王子 (shwong@chevalier.net) from usr3-28.chevalier.net at Mon Dec 21 01:36, 1998 said:


Article 28:


前中巴8號線太守VA51 (parnell@cyberec.com) from ip-230-201.cyberec.com at Mon Dec 21 02:13, 1998 said:














Article 29:

My trip yesterday.

100/911R/M1 Wong (wongjsy@sfsu.edu) from olkc2a219.netvigator.com at Sun Dec 20 23:54, 1998 said:

Yesterday I crossed the harbour twice, because of 3001.

I was in Mongkok and I needed to go to Causeway Bay for X'mas

shopping. I could of choose 102, though I dedicated to take

112 since there are Tridents by both bus companies.

I checked the timetable and it was supposed to be KMB's time

cycle, though I waited for at least 15 minutes (scheduled

frequency being 5!) for one, when a BUNCH of 171 and 118 of

CTB passed by. (some KMB 102 as well)

A lady was complaining about waiting for about 25 minutes for

112, I told her not to blame the bus companies. Since they

sure want business, they should not allocate less bus with

no reason. I told her it was probably due to traffic jams

in Causeway Bay or near Happy Valley (for horse races) where

118 and 171 don't pass by. I did suggest the lady to take 118

and then 8P for Causeway Bay for faster service, and she agreed

so except it would be quite expensive.

Then a 'goldfish tank' Duple Trident arrived, and to my surprised,

it's NWFB's 3001! Although I took this bus before, I just

couldn't resist! So I took the bus all the way to North Point

and took some photos.

Afterwards, I needed to 'rush' back to Tsim Sha Tsui to deliver

something. As I saw the traffic jam in Causeway Bay was so

bad, I was thinking about some routes passing by Gloucestor

Road. (as a bus fan, I wouldn't take MTR just by myself!)

What came to my mind? M21! Full A/C! So I took it to Central

for 917. (quite fast as expected)

Then I needed to go to Causeway Bay for shopping! (the purpose

almost being forgot! Though I dedicated to do so since there could

be no A/C service on 914 by NWFB on Sundays!) So I took 917 across

the harbour again.

I used to transfer from 917 for other routes like 5/5B/10 to

Causeway Bay at Admiralty. Unfortunately, the busstop for

917 had moved to Lippo Centre. So I gave some thoughts again.

Ah! I can transfer for some other (WHC) tunnel buses like

962/968/969/E11 to Causeway Bay! However, I wasn't stupid

enough to transfer at the Kowloon side, which would be quite

expensive. I transferred right outside of Shun Tak Centre, as

I found busstops for some tunnel routes from Macau Ferry

had been cancelled. (named by me being some of the closest

busstops in Hong Kong!) I indeed told some non-bus fan

passengers so.

Then an A11 came by. Since I never took A11 before, might

as well try it! (normally I probably wouldn't take A11, since

its routing is very similar to E11, and I probably won't carry

any luggage on A11! Hence, this would be the cheapest way to

try A11!)

I finally took 102 back to Jordan Road for dinner with my

family. (still truly missed the good old days of 100, when

my 102 bus was totally crowded and people refused to yield

on those 3+2 seats)

100/911R/M1 Wong

Article 30:

About NWFB airport route E14/E19

Cityflyer A23 (cpitech@netvigator.com) from olkc1026.netvigator.com at Mon Dec 21 15:21, 1998 said:

Yesterday I read a small notice in the SCMP, that NWFB wants to open

an airport route from Aberdeen(!!!) to airport. No information about

E or A route. So the following questions:

1.E or A route?

2.Has Aberdenn,Wah Fu & ChiFu enough passengers (especially in non-peak


3.How about Kennedy Town?

3.1.like 970 to WHC.

3.2.Pokfield Rd-Smithfield Rd-Forbes Rd like 904 to WHC

3.3.Water St-Queen's Rd West-Kennedy Town Praya-Des Voeux Rd West-WHC

4.After the AEL/Tung Chung Line disaster, the TD will do everything to

oppose any new airport routes, so NWFB should better consider in my

opinion 971. First 971 is supporting all loved AEL, and it can attract

the commuters to Tsuen Wan, Tsing Yi and airport. The potential is much

bigger or not????

Article 31:

Ten X-mas wishes to Santa Claus

Cityflyer A23 (cpitech@netvigator.com) from olkc1026.netvigator.com at Mon Dec 21 15:37, 1998 said:

Now it is X-mas and we have some dreams for the coming year:

We hope that:

1.....1999 will be as eventful as 1998!

2.....the bus companies will buy more and different types of busses!

3.....road works will become less which distracts the frequency.

4.....the MTR is losing money for the first time.

5.....the bus companies will open more routes, so we can go everywhere

by bus.

6.....more green minibus routes will be closed because of insufficent


7.....numbers of bus passengers are rising.

8.....that the TD open the transport market and stop the protection

policy for the MTR,KCRC,....

9.....bus companies accept the HKBDB and give the members discounts on

travelling on their busses.

10....build a statue for the boardmaster of HKBDB on Chathem garden!

Article 32:


VA64 (b3391@netvigator.com) from at Mon Dec 21 16:10, 1998 said:

點解 a12 唔經長命斜? 既然上得柴灣, 為何不徹底 0的, 到時

有市民投訴又點算呢, 還是 另有一個特別原因?


Article 33:


HU6455 (makhome@netteens.net) from imsp013.netvigator.com at Mon Dec 21 16:10, 1998 said:

今天又有兩部Duple Trident (U,968字軌)入大埔,


